Friday 10 April 2015

1e) Chemical Formulae and Chemical Equations

Word equations and Balanced chemical equations are used to represent the reactions studied in this specification. In a chemical equation you have to use state symbols: (s), (l), (g) and (aq) in chemical equations to represent solids, liquids, gases and aqueous solutions
Water of Crystallisation:

  • solid salt with water is HYDRATED
  • salt without water is ANHYDROUS
  • calculate it by:
  1. Working out the mass
  2. Number of moles of water lost
  3. ratio of anhydrous salt made
  4. ratio of anhydrous to mole of Water
  5. X must be a whole number

Empirical formula:
Is the simplest formula that tells you the ratio of different elements in the compound
  1. List all the elements in the compound
  2. Write underneath the experimental masses/ percentage
  3. Divide by Ar of elements
  4. Change to simple ratio by multiplying and/or dividing them by well chosen numbers
  5. Simplify ratio

Molecular Formula:
A compound tells you the actual number of atoms each element in a single molecule

Calculate Masses in Reactions:
  1. Write out the balanced equation
  2. Work out the and multiply them by balancing numbers in the equation
  3. Apply the rule: Divide to get one, then multiply to get all

Percentage Yield:
= (mass obtained/ mass predicted) x 100

Moles and Concentration

Concentration = Number of Moles / Volume

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