Sunday 18 January 2015

2c) Group 7 elements

Chlorine, bromine and iodine
called Halogens


Group VII elements Atomic Number Colour At room temperature Boiling Point
Chlorine 17 green gas -34C
Bromine 35 red-brown liquid 59C
Iodine 53 dark grey solid 185C

Bonding in molecules:

Displacement reactions:

  • more reactive halogens displace less reactive ones 
  • a solution of its salt 
    • Cl2 + 2KBr -----> 2KCl + Br2 (orange-brown)
    • Cl2 + 2KCl -----> 2KCl + I2 (dark brown)
    • Br2 + 2KBr -----> 2KBr + I2 (dark brown) 
  • REDOX Reactions 
Summary: Chlorine is smaller than bromine has less outer shells of electrons sheilding the nucleus 
attracts electrons more readily 
More reactive as the atomic number decreases 

HCl gas vs HCl (aq) 
  • gas: covalently bonded 
  • no ions so can't conduct electricity 
  • not acidic 
HCl dissolved in water:
  • forms H+ (aq) and Cl- (aq) 
  • ions conduct electricity 
  • solution acidic 

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