Wednesday 21 January 2015

Section 2- Metals

Extracting Metals:

  • are linked to the order of reactivity 
  1. Only metals less reactive than carbon can be extracted by a reduction reaction with carbon ----------> heating the ore with carbon monoxide 
    • more reactive elements form compounds more readily 
    • reduction= loss of oxygen 
  2. Hydrogen: metals above H react with acids to release H2 
Extracting Iron:
(Blast Furnace) 
Raw materials:
  1. Iron ore -----> iron
  2. Coke -----> almost pure carbon; reducing iron oxide to iron metal
  3. Limestone -----> take away impurities from slag 
  4. Air ------> allows the coke to burn 
Reducing Iron ore to Iron:

  1. Hot air blasted into the furnace -----> coke burns faster than normal. Raises to 1500C.  
  2. Coke burns and produces carbon dioxide:
    • Carbon and Oxygen ------> Carbon Dioxide 
    • C            +        O2    ------> CO2 
  3. Carbon monoxide 
    • Carbon dioxide and Carbon -----> Carbon monoxide 
    •          CO2          +         C     ----->          2CO 
  4. Carbon monoxide then reduces the iron ore to iron
    • Carbon monoxide + Iron(II) oxide ------> Carbon dioxide + Iron
    •          3CO             +       Fe2O3       ------>        3CO2        +  2Fe 
  5. Iron is molten at temperature also dense so goes to the bottom where it's tapped off 
Removing impurities: 
Slag forms as CaO from limestone reacts with rocks (SiO2) 
CaCO3 -----> CaO + CO2 
CaO + SiO2 ------> CaSiO3 (molten slag) 

  • Coolen to solid and used for:
    • road building 
    • fertiliser 

Uses of Iron:
  • steel 
  • buildings
  • car radio 
  • railings
REDOX -------> reduction and oxidation occur together 
Oxidising Agent --------> produces Oxygen (O2) in the process. reduced itself
Reducing Agent --------> gains Oxygen (O2) in the process. oxidising itself

Rusting of iron:
  • needs water and oxygen (from air) 
  • doesn't rust in boiled water or dried air 
How to prevent rusting?
Barrier methods: 
  • paint 
  • plastic coat 
  • tin plate 
  • grease 
  • coat in zinc 
Sacrificial methods: 
  • Attach above (more reactive) metal to the iron (e.g. zinc) 

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