Saturday 14 February 2015

3d) Ethanol

This whole section is for Paper Two:

Manufacture of Ethanol by Ethene and Steam (H2O):  

-C2H4 + H2Equilibrium symbol C2H5OH
-hydration- exothermic
-300C and 60-70 atm
-phosphoric acid catalyst
-un-reacted ethene recycled

fast reaction 
pure ethanol

non-renewable resources 
energy needed to make steam 

Manufacture of Ethanol from Fertilisation: 

-C6H12O6 -----> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
-anaerobic respiration
-exothermic reaction
-20-60 hrs
-purified by fractional distillation

renewable resources 
organic waste material 

impure ethanol due to water 
slow process
only 15% ethanol in each batch 

Dehydration of Ethanol to Ethene:

Ethanol    ------> Water and Ethene 
C2H5OH ------>  H2O  and C2H

Image result for dehydration of ethanol

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