Sunday 15 March 2015

5d) Industrial manufacture of chemicals

Nitrogen from the air and hydrogen from either natural gas or from the cracking of hydrocarbons are used in the manufacture of ammonia

Haber Process:
Manufacture of ammonia

Uses of ammonia
- fertiliser
- nitric acid
- nylon fabric

Paper Two - Sulfuric acid 

Raw materials used to manufacture it: sulfur and oxygen 

Contact Process 
Manufacture of sulfuric acid 
Stage one: sulfur and oxygen --> sulfur dioxide 
Stage two: sulfur dioxide and oxygen Equilibrium symbol sulfur trioxide 
Stage three: sulfur trioxide and conc sulfuric acid --> fuming sulfuric acid 
Stage four: fuming sulfuric acid and water --> sulfuric acid 

Conditions: 450C, 2 atmospheres of pressure and vanadiumn oxide (V2O5) catalyst 

Uses of sulfuric acid:
- fertilisers 
- detergents 
- paints and pigments 
- plastics 
- paper and fibres 

Electrolysis of Brine

Image result for half equations of brine

Ions present: Na+ Cl- H+ OH- 
Ion attraction to electrode:
Anode (+)  Cl-     OH-
Cathode (-) Na+   H+

Actual products: at cathode is hydrogen due to the reactivity series; lower reacting one forms out of possible products 
at anode chlorine because if you have a halideion (group 7 ion) then the halogen will from, if not the oxygen will 

Half Equations:
Cathode - 2H+ + 2e- --> H2 
Anode - 2Cl- --> Cl2 + 2e-

Useful products

  1. Chlorine: sterilise water supplies and also used to make bleach and HCl
  2. Hydrogen: used in the haber process and changes oil into fat to make margarine 
  3. Sodium Hydroxide: used to make soap, bleach and paper pulp

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